Although I have done research on the conventions of a thriller, I have learnt alot from looking through Hannah's research of codes and conventions of a thriller, and I think both our research combined will really help us both and our group. It's good that we both researched similar things as we have learnt from eachothers research, and if one of us had missed out some information, the other would know it. This has personally helped me understand the features that give thrillers extra effect. For example, the use of low-key lighting , mirrors and obtrusive editing help the audience understand that the film is a thriller. I think it's very interesting how Hannah has written about why special effects such as these are included, I learnt that mirrors are usually used to 'portray the reflection of ones' soul and inner self' this is a very clever thought and I wouldn't have thought of it before reading this. She has also written about the common mise-en-scene in thrillers, they are usually shot in dark, eerie places, to create tension and anxiety. If I could give Hannah any advice on her researching, it would be to focus more on editing and sound used in typical thriller.
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